
【影片名称】:少女陰謀 Tirante el Blanco 2006[中文字幕](BD完整收藏版)
情人,巴不得国王早死好让小伙子掌权;公主红衣和 绿衣的贴身宫女又好像俩个色情狂一样,不过绿衣宫女的欲望仅仅是男人,红衣宫女是通过男人到达权力,不停怂恿公主去突
破界限;奶妈居然爱上了蒂朗并想用尽手段得到 他;老国王有心用女儿去和亲,不过又有些摇摆不定。两个年轻人单纯的爱情,要承载这么多人的欲望和阴谋。
公主要把自己光明正大地嫁出去然后交给丈夫,又在欲望的漩涡里挣扎,蒂朗出于本性想得到公主,又不愿意违背公主的意志,可见两个人是真心相爱,都能为对方 考虑。不过办
I hadnt read the book prior to seeing the movie, so I cant compare them. Honestly, I expected it to be deadly bad. And I was really surprised. The story is
beautiful, filled with both humor and drama. Its not the "Troya" kind of film, the battle scenes are somehow poor (maybe due to a bad production?) yet Aranda
gives them a personal touch. Aranda surprises again with his ability to investigate love, passion and human feelings. I loved the fact that Tirant is not the
typical hero. Shame that the actor is sometimes empty...specially in comparison to the women of the film. Sure that Esther Nubiola is a discovery, we can
read everything from her eyes and shes the perfect image for sensuality. Leonor Watling and Ingrid Rubio bring brightness to the movie, as well as Victoria
Abril,able to catch the eye of the camera even from the back. A special congratulations to Giancarlo Gianini, this guy is always perfect whatever he does.
Amazing dresses,by Ivonne Blake and beautiful music, with those breathtaking child chorus. The only shame, that Vicente Aranda didnt have the right producers
and sometimes you can feel it through the movie.