
【影片名称】:不可能的任务Jason Colt (H版)[中文字幕]
柯尔特-神秘的性感钻石 (私人大片 1) 拍摄地点在美国的纽约,波士顿,楠塔基特岛和台湾 柯尔特-神秘的性感钻石' 是一个强大的惊悚片,设置一个新的标准中如何成人电影拍摄。后私营的大量的成功案例,与角斗士 》、 百万富翁和鲁滨逊漂流记,私人去一步进一步与终极成人生产 柯尔特-神秘的性感的钻石。与庞大的预算,台长你成唯一私人可以产生的纯好莱坞精美镜头的旅程。基于著名的间谍 007 系列,柯尔特是一个秘密特工,其使命是拯救生命的三个美丽的女特工-性感的钻石。每个女人都有她自己的使命将带领他们进入生命威胁的危险,他们使用他们的身体和性能力才能成功。但他们有更多的危险比他们能理解和 的工作是保护他们。他能成功吗?或者,他也将成为受害者他邪恶的敌人。拍摄使用最新的技术,这部电影花了一年半完成,视觉上是与追车、 枪战、 黑暗、 邪恶的阴谋和 5 铁杆场景令人难以置信。每个性别场景被拍摄与电影的氛围推如何铁杆成人色情的界限应该枪毙......
Jason Colt - The Mystery Of The Sexy Diamonds (Private Blockbuster 1) Shot on location in USA - New York, Boston, Nantucket Island and in Taiwan 'Jason Colt - The Mystery of the Sexy Diamonds' is a powerful thriller which sets a new standard in how adult cinema is shot. After Private's massive successes with Gladiator, Millionaire and Robinson Crusoe, PRIVATE goes one step further with the ultimate adult production - Jason Colt - The Mystery of the Sexy Diamonds. With a massive budget, director JCJ Villalobos takes you on a beautifully shot journey into pure Hollywood that only PRIVATE can produce. Based on the famous 007 spy series, Jason Colt is a secret agent whose mission is to save the lives of three beautiful female agents - the sexy diamonds. Each woman has her own mission which will lead them into life threatening danger and they use their bodies and sexual prowess to succeed. But they are in more danger than they could ever comprehend and it's Jason's job to protect them. Can he succeed? Or will he too become a victim of his evil enemies. Filmed using the latest technologies, this movie took over a year and a half to complete, visually it's incredible with car chases, gun fights, a dark, sinister plot and 5 hardcore scenes. Each sex scene is filmed with a cinematographic ambience that pushes the boundaries of how hardcore adult erotica should be shot.......